FORM 10-Q SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For Quarter Ended August 31, 2004 Commission File Number 2-85538 CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) Delaware 04-2795439 (State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer Incorporation or organization) Identification Number) 200 Murray Hill Parkway East Rutherford, NJ 07073 (Address of principal executive offices)(Zip Code) (201) 330-1400 Registrant's telephone number, including area code Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was re- quired to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is an acceler- ated filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No X Common Stock, $.01 Par Value - 6,447,856 shares of as August 31, 2004 Class A Common Stock, $.01 Par Value - 958,230 shares as of August 31, 2004 CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES INDEX Page Number PART I FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Consolidated Balance Sheets as of August 31, 2004 and November 30, 2003 1-2 Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three months and nine months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003 3 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and nine months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003 4 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the nine months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003 5 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 6-20 Item 2. Management Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition 21-22 Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk 22 Item 4. Controls and Procedures 23 PART II OTHER INFORMATION 24 Item 1. Legal Proceedings Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Item 5. Other Information Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K SIGNATURES 25 CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
A S S E T S August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 (Unaudited) Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,669,192 $ 1,206,787 Short-term investments and marketable securities 3,501,105 2,632,448 Accounts receivable, net of allowances of $788,297 and $895,723, respectively 9,263,533 6,604,982 Inventories 6,123,270 5,312,699 Prepaid expenses and sundry receivables 565,900 590,850 Deferred income taxes 786,159 963,566 Prepaid income taxes and refunds due - 236,620 Deferred advertising 1,911,634 - Total Current Assets 24,820,793 17,547,952 Property and Equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization 613,696 728,522 Intangible Assets, net of accumulated amortization 499,035 532,193 Other Assets Marketable securities 10,091,702 10,991,411 Other 37,963 39,138 Total Other Assets 10,129,665 11,030,549 Total Assets $36,063,189 $29,839,216
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 (Unaudited) Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 7,020,273 $ 5,603,150 Income taxes payable 694,618 - Dividends payable 512,014 379,117 Total Current Liabilities 8,226,905 5,982,267 Subordinated Debentures 497,656 497,656 Deferred Income Taxes - 14,753 Shareholders' Equity Preferred stock, $1.00 par; authorized 20,000,000 shares; none issued Common stock, $.01 par; authorized 15,000,000 shares; 6,532,859 and 6,592,669 shares issued, respectively 65,329 65,926 Class A common stock, $.01 par; authorized 5,000,000 shares; 958,230 shares issued and outstanding 9,582 9,582 Additional paid-in capital 3,835,133 3,831,425 Retained earnings 23,751,942 19,891,541 Unrealized gains (losses) on marketable securities ( 173,687) ( 95,228) 27,488,299 23,703,246 Less: Treasury Stock (85,003 shares at August 31, 2004 and 274,055 shares at November 30, 2003, respectively) 149,671 358,706 Total Shareholders' Equity 27,338,628 23,344,540 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $36,063,189 $29,839,216
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended August 31, August 31, 2004 2003 2004 2003 Revenues Sales of Health and Beauty Aid Products - Net $16,535,940 $12,739,346 $47,609,050 $42,541,384 Other income 160,451 113,191 514,076 437,185 16,696,391 12,852,537 48,123,126 42,978,569 Costs and Expenses Costs of sales 5,413,461 4,030,837 16,115,571 13,793,977 Selling, general and administrative expenses 4,739,038 4,195,547 13,038,772 13,232,809 Advertising, cooperative and promotions 3,932,062 2,404,560 9,819,958 7,760,818 Research and development 226,283 229,477 666,755 661,250 Provision for doubtful accounts ( 37,605) ( 16,394) 37,100 216,499 Interest expense 8,671 8,010 25,500 23,808 14,281,910 0,852,037 39,703,656 35,689,161 Income before Income Taxes 2,414,481 2,000,500 8,419,470 7,289,408 Provision for Income Taxes 957,251 713,375 3,327,895 2,844,562 Net Income $1,457,230 $1,287,125 $5,091,575 $4,444,846 Earnings per Share Basic $.20 $.18 $.70 $.61 Diluted $.19 $.17 $.67 $.59 Cash Dividends Declared per Share $.00 $.00 $.14 $.12
(UNAUDITED) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended August 31, August 31, 2004 2003 2004 2003 Net Income $1,457,230 $1,287,125 $5,091,575 $4,444,846 Other Comprehensive Income Unrealized holding gains (loss) on investments 203,419 ( 109,960) ( 78,459) ( 92,711) Provision (Benefit) for Taxes 80,648 ( 39,212) ( 31,012) ( 36,179) Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) - Net 122,771 ( 70,748) ( 47,447) ( 56,532) Comprehensive Income $1,580,001 $1,216,377 $5,044,128 $4,388,314 Earnings Per Share: Basic $.22 $.17 $.69 $.61 Diluted $.21 $.16 $.66 $.58
(UNAUDITED) Nine Months Ended August 31, 2004 2003 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Net income $5,091,575 $4,444,846 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 256,500 275,301 Loss (gain) on sale of marketable securities and repurchase of debentures 9,289 ( 22,758) Decrease in deferred income taxes 162,654 126,624 (Increase) in accounts receivable (2,658,551) ( 624,540) (Increase) in inventory ( 810,571) ( 2,048,156) Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and miscellaneous receivables 24,950 ( 75,274) (Increase) in deferred advertising (1,911,634) ( 1,253,588) Decrease in other assets 1,175 9,900 Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,417,125 1,088,116 Decrease in prepaid income taxes 236,620 1,703 Increase in taxes payable 694,618 1,175,014 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 2,513,750 3,097,188 Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Acquisition of property, plant and equipment ( 105,613) ( 293,250) Acquisition of intangible assets ( 2,905)( 2,846) Purchase of marketable securities ( 2,703,858) ( 5,888,340) Proceeds from sale and maturity of investments 2,647,162 5,555,792 Net Cash (Used in) Investing Activities ( 165,214) ( 628,644) Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Purchase of treasury stock ( 891,131) ( 5,771) Dividends paid - ( 370,888) Proceeds from exercise of common stock options 5,000 - Net Cash (Used in) Financing Activities ( 886,131) ( 376,659) Net Increase in Cash 1,462,405 2,091,885 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning Of Period 1,206,787 1,585,647 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period $2,669,192 $3,677,532 Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information: Cash paid during the period for: Interest $ 24,294 $ 31,441 Income taxes 2,203,617 1,537,051 Supplemental Disclosures of Non-Cash Information: Dividends declared and accrued $ 512,014 $ -
See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. -5- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) NOTE 1 -BASIS OF PRESENTATION The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated finan- cial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes re- quired by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of manage- ment, all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the nine month period ended August 31, 2004 are not necessarily indica- tive of the results that may be expected for the year ended November 30, 2004. For further information, refer to the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended November 30, 2003. NOTE 2 -ORGANIZATION AND DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS CCA Industries, Inc. ("CCA") was incorporated in the State of Delaware on March 25, 1983. CCA manufactures and distributes health and beauty aid products. CCA has several wholly-owned subsidiaries, CCA Cosmetics, Inc., CCA Labs, Inc., Berdell, Inc., Nutra Care Corpora- tion, CCA Online Industries, Inc., and CCA Industries Canada (2003) Inc., all of which are currently inactive. NOTE 3 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Principles of Consolidation: The consolidated financial statements include the ac- counts of CCA and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collec- tively the "Company"). -6- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) NOTE 3 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Use of Estimates in Preparing Financial Statements: The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of con- tingent assets and liabilities at the date of the finan- cial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash and Cash Equivalents: For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all highly liquid instruments purchased with an original maturity of less than three months to be cash equivalents. The Company has cash balances in excess of the maximum amount insured by the FDIC as of August 31, 2004. Short-Term Investments and Marketable Securities: Short-term investments and marketable securities consist of corporate and government bonds and equity securities. The Company has classified its investments as Available- for-Sale securities. Accordingly, such investments are reported at fair market value, with the resultant unreal ized gains and losses reported as a separate component of shareholders' equity. Inventories: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or market. Product returns are recorded in inventory when they are received at the lower of their original cost or market, as appropriate. Obsolete inventory is written off and its value is removed from inventory at the time its obso- lescence is determined. -7- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) NOTE 3 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Property and Equipment and Depreciation and Amortization Property and equipment are stated at cost. The Company charges to expense repairs and maintenance items, while major improvements and betterments are capitalized. When the Company sells or otherwise disposes of property and equipment items, the cost and related accumulated depre- ciation are removed from the respective accounts and any gain or loss is included in earnings. Depreciation and amortization are provided on the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives or lease terms of the assets: Machinery and equipment 5-7 Years Furniture and fixtures 3-10 Years Tools, dies and masters 3 Years Transportation equipment 5 Years Leasehold improvements Remaining life of the lease (ranging from 1-9 years) Intangible Assets: Intangible assets are stated at cost. Patents and trade marks are amortized on the straight-line method over a period of 15-17 years. Financial Instruments: The carrying value of assets and liabilities considered financial instruments approximate their respective fair value. Income Taxes: Income tax expense includes federal and state taxes currently payable and deferred taxes arising from tempo- rary differences between income for financial reporting and income tax purposes. Tax Credits: Tax credits, when present, are accounted for using the flow-through method as a reduction of income taxes in the years utilized. Earnings Per Common Share: Basic earnings per share is calculated using the average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per share is computed on the basis of the weighted average number of common shares outstanding plus the effect of outstanding stock options using the "treasury stock method" and convertible deben- tures using the "if-converted" method. Common stock equivalents consist of stock options. -8- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) NOTE 3 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Revenue Recognition: The Company recognizes sales upon shipment of merchan- dise. Net sales are comprised of gross sales less ex- pected returns, trade discounts, customer allowances and various sales incentives. Although no legal right of return exists between the customer and the Company, it is an industry-wide practice to accept returns from custom- ers. The Company, therefore, records a reserve for re - turns equal to its gross profit on its historical per- centage of returns on its last five months sales. Accounts Receivable: Accounts receivable consist of trade receivables recorded at original invoice amount, less an estimated allowance for uncollectible accounts. Trade credit is generally extended on a short-term basis; thus trade receivables do not bear interest, although a finance charge may be ap- plied to receivables that are past due. Trade receivables are periodically evaluated for collectibility based on past credit history with customers and their current financial condition. Changes in the estimated collectibility of trade receivables are recorded in the results of operations for the period in which the estimate is revised. Trade receivables that are deemed uncollectible are offset against the allowance for uncollectible accounts. The Company generally does not require collateral for trade receivables. Accounts receivable with credit balances have been included as a current liability in "Accounts payable and accrued liabilities" in the accompanying balance sheet. Accounts receivable are presented net of an allowance for doubtful accounts of $278,449 and $549,851 as of August 31, 2004 and November 30, 2003, respectively. Shipping and Handling Costs: The Company presents shipping and handling costs as part of selling, general and administrative expense and not as part of cost of sales. Freight costs were $2,113,035,and $2,302,746 for the nine months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Comprehensive Income: In accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB"), Statement on Financial Accounting Standard No. 130 "Reporting Comprehensive Income", the Company is required to report comprehensive income in addition to net income from operations. Comprehensive income is a more inclusive financial reporting methodology that includes disclosure of certain financial information that historically has not been recognized in the calculation of net income. Reclassifications Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the 2004 presentation. -9- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 4 -INVENTORIES The components of inventory consist of the following: August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 Raw materials $3,447,119 $3,746,522 Finished goods 2,676,151 1,566,177 $6,123,270 $5,312,699 At August 31, 2004 and November 30, 2003, the Company had a reserve for obsolescence of $977,904 and $1,153,612, respectively. NOTE 5 - PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT The components of property and equipment consisted of the following: August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 Machinery and equipment $ 105,478 $ 105,478 Furniture and equipment 709,640 676,494 Transportation equipment 11,288 10,918 Tools, dies, and masters 405,959 347,560 Leasehold improvements 291,063 277,366 1,523,428 1,417,816 Less: Accumulated depreciation and amortization 909,732 689,294 Property and Equipment - Net $ 613,696 $ 728,522 Depreciation expense for the six months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003 amounted to $220,409 and $239,284, respectively. NOTE 6 - INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible assets consist of the following: August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 Patents and trademarks $762,298 $759,394 Less: Accumulated amortization 263,263 227,201 Intangible Assets - Net $499,035 $532,193 Amortization expense for the nine months ended August 31, 2004 and 2003 amounted to $36,091 and $36,017, respectively. Estimated amortization expense for each quarter of the ensuing five years through May 31, 2009 is $12,000. -10- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 7 - DEFERRED ADVERTISING In accordance with APB 28, Interim Financial Reporting, the Company expenses its advertising and related costs proportionately over the interim periods based on its total expected costs per its various advertising programs. Consequently a deferral of $1,930,556 is accordingly reflected in the balance sheet for the interim period. This deferral is the result of the Company's $10 million media budget and $5.5 million co-op budget for the year which contemplates lower spending in the 4th quarter than in the other three quarters. The table below sets forth the calculation: August August 2004 2003 (In Millions) (In Millions) Media advertising budget for the fiscal year $10.00 $8.00 Pro-rata portion for nine months 7.50 $6.00 Media advertising spent 8.99 6.70 Accrual (deferral) ($ 1.49) ($.070) Anticipated Co-op advertising commitments $ 5.50 $5.00 Pro-rata portion for nine months 4.13 3.75 Co-op advertising spent 4.55 4.30 Accrual (deferral) ($ .42) ($ .55) NOTE 8 -ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES The following items which exceeded 5% of total current liabilities are included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities as of: August 31, November 30, 2004 2003 (In Thousands) (In Thousands) a)Media advertising $ * $ * b)Coop advertising 1,219 607 c)Accrued returns 1,123 787 d)Accrued bonuses 437 499 * under 5% All other liabilities were for trade payables or individually did not exceed 5% of total current liabilities. -11- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 9 - OTHER INCOME Other income consists of the following at August 31: 2004 2003 Interest and dividend income $388,898 $352,572 Royalty income 90,053 58,699 Miscellaneous 35,125 25,914 $514,076 $437,185 NOTE 10 - NOTES PAYABLE AND SUBORDINATED DEBENTURES The Company has an available line of credit of $10,000,000. Interest is calculated at the Company's option, either on the outstanding balance at prime rate minus 1% or Libor plus 150 basis points. The line of credit is unsecured and the Company must adhere to certain financial covenants pertaining to net worth and debt coverage. The Company was not utilizing their available credit line at August 31, 2004 or November 30, 2003. On August 1, 2000, the Company repurchased (pursuant to a tender offer) 278,328 shares of its outstanding common stock by issuing subordinated debentures equal to $2 per share, which accrue interest at 6% and are due to mature on August 1, 2005. The interest is payable semi- annually. NOTE 11 - COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Litigation The Company has been named as a defendant in 13 lawsuits alleging that the plaintiffs were injured as a result of their purchasing and ingesting our diet suppressant containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA), which the Company utilized as its active ingredient in its products prior to November 2000. The lawsuits that were brought against the Company are were for unspecified amounts of compensatory and exemplary damages. Eleven of the suits have been dismissed with prejudice. Outside counsel for the Company believes that the two PPA cases still pending against the Company are defensible. Of the Company's two pending suits, there is a motion pending for the dismissal of one and the other is insured by the Company's liability carrier who is defending the case in order to obtain a decision of dismissal on the merits. Dividends CCA declared a cash dividend of $0.14 per share payable to all holders of the Company's common stock, $0.07 to shareholders of record on May 1, 2004 payable on June 1, 2004 and $0.07 to shareholders of record on November 1, 2004, payable on December 1, 2004. On June 17, 2004, the Board of Directors declared a 2% stock dividend payable on December 1, 2004 to shareholders of record on November 1, 2004. -12- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 12 - PENSION PLANS The Company has adopted a 401(K) Profit Sharing Plan that covers union and non-union employees with over one year of service and attained Age 21. Employees may make salary reduction contributions up to twenty-five percent of compensation not to exceed the federal government limits. NOTE 13 - STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION The Company accounts for its stock-based employee compensation under the recognition and measurement principles of Accounting Principles Board (APB) Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees, and related interpretations. Under APB No. 25, when the exercise price of stock options equals the market price of the underlying stock on the date of grant, no compensation expense is recognized in the consolidated statement of operations. During the second quarter of 2004, the Company issued incentive stock options to purchase 66,600 shares and non-qualified stock options to purchase 33,400 shares under the 2003 stock option plan. Under the provisions of APB No. 25, no compensation expense has been, or will be, recognized in the consolidated statement of operations. Proforma net income and net income per share, as required by SFAS No. 123, have been determined as if we had accounted for all employee stock options granted under SFAS No. 123's fair value method. The proforma effect of recognizing compensation expense in accordance with SFAS No. 123 is as follows: Three Months Nine Months Ended August 31, Ended August 31, 2004 2003 2004 2003 Net income as reported $1,457,230 $1,287,125 $5,091,575 $4,444,846 SFAS No. 123 based compensation ( 6,974) - ( 193,504) - Income tax benefit 2,790 - 77,402 - Net income - proforma $1,453,046 $1,287,125 $4,975,473 $4,444,846 Basic net income per share - as reported $.20 $.18 $.70 $.61 Basic net income per share - proforma $.20 $.18 $.68 $.61 Diluted net income per shares - as reported $.19 $.17 $.67 $.59 Diluted net income per share - proforma $.19 $.17 $.65 $.59 Weighted average shares used in computing net income and proforma net income per share: Basic 7,340,519 7,276,844 7,314,848 7,211,350 Diluted 7,619,540 7,674,234 7,593,220 7,593,596 -13- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 13 - STOCK-BASED COMPENSATION (Continued) Proforma information regarding net income and net income per share is required by SFAS No. 123, and has been determined as if the Company had accounted for its employee stock options under the fair value method of SFAS No. 123. The fair value of these options were estimated at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following assumptions for the three months and nine months ended August 31, 2004: a risk-free interest rate of 3.78% and 4.73%; dividend yield of 1.68% and 1.55%; volatility factor of the expected market price of the Company's common stock of 20.32% and 9.74%; and a weighted average life of the options of five or ten years. The Black-Scholes option valuation model was developed for use in estimating the fair value of traded options which have no vesting restrictions and are fully transferable. In addition, option valuation models require the input of highly subjective assumptions. Because the Company's employee stock options have characteristics significantly different from those of traded options and because changes in the subjective input assumptions can materially affect the fair value estimate, in management's opinion, the existing models do not necessarily provide a reliable single measure of the fair value of its employee stock options. NOTE 14 - SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES Short-term investments and marketable securities, which consist of stock and various corporate and government obligations, are stated at market value. The Company has classified its investments as Available-for-Sale securities and considers as current assets those investments which will mature or are likely to be sold in the next fiscal year. The remaining investments are considered non-current assets. The cost and market values of the investments at August 31, 2004 and November 30, 2003 were as follows: -14- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 14 - SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES August 31, 2004 November 30, 2003 COST MARKET COST MARKET Current: Corporate obligations $ 775,000 $ 776,612 $ 850,860 $ 854,466 Government obligations (including mortgage backed securities) 2,141,066 2,131,696 1,260,340 1,248,731 Common stock 253,134 253,834 304,379 295,538 Mutual funds 186,031 127,513 179,320 118,963 Other equity investments 199,848 211,450 111,750 114,750 Total 3,555,079 3,501,105 2,706,649 2,632,448 Non-Current: Corporate obligations 5,623,227 5,581,904 5,374,706 5,342,893 Government obli- gations 3,408,693 3,332,846 4,208,237 4,182,482 Preferred stock 1,179,495 1,176,952 1,329,495 1,366,036 Other equity investments - - 100,000 100,000 Total 10,211,415 10,091,702 11,012,438 10,991,411 Total $13,766,494 $13,592,807 $13,719,087 $13,623,859 -15- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
NOTE 14 -SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES (CONTINUED) The market value at August 31, 2004 was $13,592,807 as compared to $13,623,859 at November 30, 2003. The gross unrealized gains and losses were $61,151 and ($234,838) for August 31, 2004 and $89,761 and ($184,989) for November 30, 2003. The cost and market values of the investments at August 31, 2004 were as follows: COL. A COL. B COL. C COL. D COL.E Amount at Which Each Portfolio Of Number of Market Equity Security Units-Principal Value of Issues and Each Amount of Each Issue Other Security Name of Issuer and Maturity Interest Bonds and Cost of at Balance Issue Carried in Title of Each Issue Date Rate Notes Each Issue Sheet Date Balance Sheet CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS: GMAC Smartnotes 10/15/05 3.100% 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 199,652 $ 199,652 GMAC Smartnotes 10/15/05 3.150 400,000 400,000 400,180 400,180 GMAC Smartnotes 5/15/05 5.000 175,000 175,000 176,778 176,778 GMAC Smartnotes 6/15/05 3.550 200,000 200,000 200,464 200,464 GMAC Smartnotes 5/15/06 4.050 400,000 400,000 399,852 399,852 GMAC Smartnotes 10/15/06 3.550 250,000 250,000 249,248 249,248 GMAC Smartnotes 12/15/06 3.400 200,000 200,000 198,180 198,180 Household Finance Corp. Internotes 10/15/06 2.750 100,000 100,000 99,391 99,391 Bear Sterns 2/15/07 2.650 100,000 100,000 98,711 98,711
NOTE 14 - SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES (CONTINUED) COL. A COL. B COL. C COL. D COL. E Amount at Which Each Portfolio Of Number of Market Equity Security Units-Principal Value of Issues and Each Amount of Each Issue Other Security Name of Issuer and Maturity Interest Bonds and Cost of at Balance Issue Carried in Title of Each Issue Date Rate Notes Each Issue Sheet Date Balance Sheet CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS (Continued): Ford Motor Credit 5/22/06 4.750% 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 254,828 $ 254,828 Ford Motor Corp. 10/20/06 4.250 100,000 100,000 101,688 101,688 CIT Group Inc. 1/15/06 4.000 200,000 200,000 202,010 202,010 CIT Group Inc. 3/15/05 3.200 100,000 100,000 100,396 100,396 CIT Group Inc. 7/15/05 2.000 100,000 100,000 99,538 99,538 CIT Group Inc. 10/15/05 2.250 100,000 100,000 99,540 99,540 GE Capital Group Internotes 2/15/06 2.450 250,000 250,000 249,020 249,020 GE Capital Group Internotes 7/15/06 2.150 200,000 200,000 197,108 197,108 GE Capital Group Internotes 10/15/06 2.500 400,000 400,000 395,908 395,908 GE Capital Group Internotes 9/15/06 2.550 150,000 150,000 148,440 148,440 GE Capital Group Internotes 9/15/06 2.350 300,000 300,000 296,592 296,592 GE Capital Group Internotes 10/15/06 2.250 300,000 300,000 295,419 295,419 GE Capital Group Internotes 2/15/07 2.500 200,000 200,000 197,466 197,466 GE Capital Group 3/15/07 2.350 250,000 250,000 245,110 245,110 Citibank Global Markets Hldg Inc 3/15/07 2.350 150,000 150,000 147,030 147,030 American General Fin. Corp. 8/15/05 2.050 200,000 200,000 199,436 199,436 American General Fin. Corp. 9/15/06 2.500 100,000 100,000 98,934 98,934 John Hancock Life Ins. Co. 7/15/06 2.250 200,000 200,000 197,724 197,724 John Hancock Life Ins. Co. 10/15/06 2.450 100,000 100,000 98,403 98,403 John Hancock Life Ins. Co. 10/15/06 2.300 200,000 200,000 196,882 196,882 John Hancock Life Ins. Co. 3/15/07 2.350 150,000 150,000 147,851 147,851 General Dynamics Corp. 5/15/06 2.125 150,000 149,706 148,541 148,541 Bank One Corp. Global Notes 6/30/08 2.625 125,000 124,363 120,540 120,540 Wells Fargo & Co. 8/25/08 3.120 100,000 99,158 97,656 97,656 6,398,227 6,358,516 6,358,516
NOTE 14 -SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES (CONTINUED) COL. A COL. B COL. C COL. D COL. E Amount at Which Each Portfolio Of Number of Market Equity Security Units-Principal Value of Issues and Each Amount of Each Issue Other Security Name of Issuer and Maturity Interest Bonds and Cost of at Balance Issue Carried in Title of Each Issue Date Rate Notes Each Issue Sheet Date Balance Sheet GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS: US Treasury Note 7/31/05 1.500% 625,000 $ 624,096 $ 622,533 $ 622,533 US Treasury Note 6/30/05 1.125 200,000 199,524 198,758 198,758 US Treasury Note 5/15/06 2.000 100,000 99,895 99,578 99,578 US Treasury Note 5/15/06 2.000 100,000 99,616 99,578 99,578 US Treasury Note 5/31/05 1.250 375,000 374,550 373,361 373,361 Federal Home Loan Bank 8/21/06 2.590 200,000 200,000 199,626 199,626 Federal Home Loan Bank 7/24/08 2.125 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 7/28/06 2.189 200,000 199,000 198,376 198,376 FNMA 5/15/06 2.250 200,000 198,772 199,250 199,250 FHLB 6/19/06 2.260 250,000 249,380 248,673 248,673 FHLMC 11/15/17 4.375 200,000 200,000 200,062 200,062 FHLMC 11/15/09 3.000 250,000 250,000 249,418 249,418 FNMA 8/15/12 4.000 250,000 250,000 250,078 250,078 FNMA 12/10/17 3.000 150,000 150,000 150,329 150,329 FNMA 9/24/07 3.000 200,000 200,000 199,438 199,438 Tennessee Valley Authority Power Bonds 5/1/29 6.500 26,000 688,530 634,660 634,660 Tobacco Settlement Fin Corp. N 6/1/15 5.000 200,000 198,500 178,780 178,780 NJ Turnpike Authority 1/1/30 1.050 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 Port Authority NY & NJ Cons 88th SR BE 10/1/04 4.500 225,000 238,789 225,565 225,565 CLOSED END MUNICIPAL BONDS/MUTUAL FUNDS: Muniyield New Jersey Insd Frd Inc. 6,500 96,905 96,460 96,460 Muniholdings New Jersey Insd FD Inc. 6,900 94,549 102,189 102,189 Nuveen New Jersey Invt Quality Municipal Fund 6,200 95,162 96,518 96,518 Nuveen New Jersey Prem Inc Municipal Fund 5,200 78,639 80,340 80,340 Van Kamp Amer Cap Inv Gr NJ 4,800 80,502 79,920 79,920 Blackrock New Jersey Municipal Inc. 6,000 87,989 85,620 85,620 Eaton Vance New Jersey Municipal Inc. 5,600 85,506 86,016 86,016 Nuveen New Jersey Dividend Advantage 5,700 84,855 84,417 84,417 5,549,759 5,464,543 5,464,543
NOTE 14 -SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES (CONTINUED) COL. A COL. B COL. C COL. D COL. E Amount at Which Each Portfolio Of Number of Market Equity Security Units-Principal Value of Issues and Each Amount of Each Issue Other Security Name of Issuer and Maturity Interest Bonds and Cost of at Balance Issue Carried in Title of Each Issue Date Rate Notes Each Issue Sheet Date Balance Sheet EQUITY: Preferred Stock: Public Income NTS General Electric Cap Corp. 11/15/32 6.100% 14,800 $ 379,495 $ 375,772 $ 375,772 Merrill Lynch Trust 9/30/08 7.280 6,000 150,000 161,400 161,400 Corporate Backed Trust Certificates For AIG Sun America 5/17/07 6.700 6,000 150,000 157,200 157,200 Morgan Stanley Cap Tr 7/15/33 5.750 4,000 100,000 94,240 94,240 ABN AMRO Cap Fund 7/3/08 5.900 2,000 50,000 47,480 47,480 JP Morgan Chase Cap IX 6/15/33 5.875 2,000 50,000 48,460 48,460 Wells Fargo Cap Tr VIII 8/1/33 5.625 8,000 200,000 192,480 192,480 Lehman Cap Trust IV 10/31/52 6.375 4,000 100,000 99,920 99,920 1,179,495 1,176,952 1,176,952
NOTE 14 - SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES (CONTINUED) COL. A COL. B COL. C COL. D COL. E Amount at Which Each Portfolio Of Number of Market Equity Security Units-Principal Value of Issues and Each Amount of Each Issue Other Security Name of Issuer and Maturity Interest Bonds and Cost of at Balance Issue Carried in Title of Each Issue Date Rate Notes Each Issue Sheet Date Balance Sheet EQUITY (Continued): Common Stock: DTE Energy Co. 1,200 $ 51,649 $ 49,584 $ 49,584 Consolidated Edison Inc. 3,800 153,485 160,360 160,360 Progress Energy Inc. 1,000 48,000 43,890 43,890 253,134 253,834 253,834 Mutual Funds: Dreyfus Premier Limited Term High Income CL B 16,918.190 186,031 127,512 127,512 Other Equity Investments: Aberdeen Asia Pacific Income Fund 4 100,000 100,000 100,000 Enterprise Production Partners LP 5,000 99,848 111,450 111,450 199,848 211,450 211,450 $13,766,494 $13,592,807 $13,592,807
-20- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL CONDITION (UNAUDITED) For the three-month period ended August 31, 2004, the Company had revenues of $16,696,391 and net income of $1,457,230 after a provision for taxes of $957,251. The Company increased its advertising budget by $750,000 for the quarter over and above its estimated merchandising and media expenses that it had contemplated at the beginning of the year. Last year, for the August 31 quarter, the Company had $12,852,537 of revenue and net income of $1,287,125. This represents a 30% and 13% improvement in revenues and net income, respectively. Gross margins decreased slightly from 68.4% to 67.3%. Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses increased to $4,739,038 from $4,195,547, as a result of an increase in staff and sales commissions. For the three month period ending August 2004, advertising, cooperative and promotional allowance expenditures were $3.90 million. Last year, for the same three-month period ending August 31, 2003, they were $2.40 million. Advertising expenditures were 23.8% of sales compared to 18.9% last year. Since both co-op advertising and promotions have a material effect on the Company's operation, the Company attempts to anticipate its advertising and promotional commitments as a percent of gross sales in order to control its effect on its net income. In accordance with APB No. 28, Interim Financial Reporting, the Company expenses its advertising and related costs proportionately over the interim periods based on its total expected cost per its various advertising programs. Consequently, a deferral of $1.5 million for media expense and $0.4 million for co-op expenditures for the nine month period is reflected in the balance sheet. The Company deferred $0.7 million of media costs in the prior year for the nine-month period. The deferral is the result of the Company's final current year's $10.0 million media budget which was amended from $9 million on August 2, 2004 for the entire current year. These deferrals were predicated on substantially lower spending in the third and fourth quarters. Co-op expenditures are budgeted at $5.5 million for the year. Specifically, the Company spent $9.0 million for media advertising in the nine months and $4.6 million for co-op advertising. The difference between the actual expense and the budgeted expense is deferred or accrued over the subsequent three month period, and by the end of the year will be fully expensed. For the nine month period ended August 31, 2004, the Company had revenue of $48,123,126 and a net income of $5,091,575 after a provision for income taxes of $3,327,895. In the prior year's period, the Company had revenues of $42,978,569 and net income of $4,444,846 after a provision for income taxes of $2,844,562. Gross profit margins for the nine-month period ending August 31, 2004 decreased from 67.6% in the prior year to 66.2%. For the nine month period ended August 2004, advertising, cooperative and promotional allowance expenditures were $9,819,958 as compared to $7,760,818 for the nine-month period ending August 31, 2003. The Company budgeted a national advertising expenditure for the current year at $10 million up from $8 million the prior year and budgeted co-op and promotions from $5 million to $5.5 million allocated over the current fiscal year. The co-op and promotion allowance increases were partially reversed by co-op advertising credits previously accrued in the prior year not taken by our customers because the proposed promotion did not consummate. The reversed credits were allocated over the current fiscal year. Current advertising expenditures were 20.6% of sales versus 18.2% last year. -21- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS OF OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL CONDITION (UNAUDITED) For the nine-month period ending August 31, 2004, research and development expenses were $666,755 compared to $661,250 last year. The Company's financial position as of August 31, 2004 consists of current assets of $24,820,793 and current liabilities of $8,226,905 or a current ratio of 3:1. In addition, shareholders' equity increased from $23,344,540 to $27,338,628 primarily due to net income earned during the period. All of the Company's investments are classified as available for sale. Investments with a maturity date greater than one year from August 31, 2004 are presented as long-term investments. Assuming these long-term investments can be sold and turned into liquid assets at any time, it would result in a current ratio of 4.2:1. The Company generated $2.5 million in cash from operations due to the nine month net income of $5.09 million, a $1.4 million increase in accounts payable, a $700,000 net increase in income taxes due and a decrease in prepaid income taxes of $237,000, and $420,000 non-cash expenses included in net income. Cash decreased due to an inventory increase of $0.8 million, an increase in the Company's accounts receivable of $2.7 million, and an increase in deferred advertising of $1.9 million. All increases in deferred advertising, accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable are "normal" seasonal increases. The $2.5 million cash generated by operations, however, was partially used to pay dividends of $891,000, and for the acquisition of equipment of $108,000. The Company paid after netting purchases and sales of marketable securities $57,000, leaving the Company with $1.46 million increase in cash. ITEM 3. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURE ABOUT MARKET RISK The Company's financial statements record the Company's investments under the "mark to market" method (i.e., at date-of- statement market value). The investments are, categorically listed, in "Common Stock", "Mutual Funds", "Other Equity", "Preferred Stock", "Government Obligations" and "Corporate Obligations". $465,284 of the Company's $13,592,807 portfolio of investments (approximate, as at August 31, 2004) is invested in the "Common Stock" and "Other Equity" categories, and approximately $1,176,952 in that category are Preferred Stock holdings. Whereas the Company does not take positions or engage in transactions in risk-sensitive market instruments in any substantial degree, nor as defined by SEC rules and instructions; therefore, the Company does not believe that its investment-market risk is material. -22- ITEM 4. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES With the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, management has carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). Based on that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of August 31, 2004. There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) subsequent to the date the controls were evaluated that materially affect, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting. -23- CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. PART II OTHER INFORMATION Item 1. Legal Proceedings: See Part I - Note 11 of the Financial Statements regarding litigation. Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders: None. Item 5. Other Information: None. Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K: (a) Exhibits (11) Computation of Earnings Per Share (31.1) Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)* (31.2) Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)* (32.1) Certification of Chief Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350* (32.2) Certification of Chief Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350* * Filed herewith. (b) Reports on Form 8-K. Current report on Form 8-K furnished April 7, 2004 and August 3, 2004 pursuant to Item 5 (Other Events). -24- SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. Date: CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. By: David Edell, Chief Executive Officer By: Ira W. Berman, Chairman of the Board -25- Exhibit 11 CCA INDUSTRIES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES COMPUTATION OF EARNINGS PER SHARE (UNAUDITED) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended August 31, August 31, 2004 2003 2004 2003 Weighted average shares outstanding - Basic 7,340,519 7,276,844 7,314,848 7,211,350 Net effect of dilutive stock options--based on the treasury stock method using average market price 279,021 397,390 278,372 382,246 Weighted average shares outstanding - Diluted 7,619,540 7,674,234 7,593,220 7,593,596 Net income $1,457,230 $1,287,125 $5,091,575 $4,444,846 Per share amount Basic $.20 $.18 $.70 $.61 Diluted $.19 $.17 $.67 $.59 Exhibit 31.1 CERTIFICATION I, David Edell, Chief Executive Officer of the Registrant, certify that: 1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of CCA Industries, Inc.; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report. 4. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a- 15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the Registrant and have: (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relation to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; (b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and (c) Disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the Registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to affect, the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal controls over financial reporting, to the Registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting. Date: /s/-------------------------------- David Edell Chief Executive Officer CERTIFICATION I, John Bingman, Chief Financial Officer of the Registrant, certify that: 1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of CCA Industries, Inc.; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report. 4. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a- 15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the Registrant and have: (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relation to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; (b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and (c) Disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the Registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to affect, the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal controls over financial reporting, to the Registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting. Date: /s/-------------------------- John Bingman Chief Financial Officer Exhibit 32.1 CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350, AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 In connection with the Quarterly Report of CCA Industries, Inc. (the "Registrant") on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended August 31, 2004 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the "Report"), I, David Edell, Chief Executive Officer of the Registrant, certify, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that to the best of my knowledge: (1) The Report, to which this certification is attached, fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Action of 1934; and (2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant. Date: /s/ -------------------------- David Edell Chief Executive Officer Exhibit 32.2 CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350, AS ADOPTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 906 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 In connection with the Quarterly Report of CCA Industries, Inc. (the "Registrant") on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended August 31, 2004 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the "Report"), I, John Bingman, Chief Financial Officer of the Registrant, certify, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that to the best of my knowledge: (1) The Report, to which this certification is attached, fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Action of 1934; and (2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Registrant. Date: /s/ -------------------------- John Bingman Chief Financial Officer